All citizens of Norway, especially recent immigrants from Poland, have access to the country’s top-notch healthcare system. Yet if you’re new to the country, it could be challenging to get used to the system. We give you important details about general practitioners and Portal dla Polaków w Norwegii rattan-pogotowia in this page on mental health care in Norway.
Norway’s Health Care Monitoring
ensive healthcare system. This shows that everyone with a valid residence permit in the nation has the freedom to practice healthy habits, regardless of their level of income or national allegiance. This does not include Polish immigrants who have a permit to live in Norway.
The Norwegian health care system offers a wide range of services, such as hospitalization, specialist training, and prescription drugs. Although it is substantially less expensive than in many other countries, you will typically have to pay a little price for these services.
Dekarze Oglni
You must have a primary care physician (GP) in Norway, who will be your initial point of contact for any situation other than an immediate need for mental health care. Family doctors are in charge of identifying and treating common illnesses and injuries as well as directing patients to specialists when necessary.
For Polish immigrants, finding a first-contact physician who speaks their language could be promising; nevertheless, many first-contact physicians in Norway speak English. You can hunt for a first-contact physician who speaks Polish on the website of the Norwegian Medical Support Organization.
Medical terminology
In an emergency, contact 113 to request assistance or go right away to the rattling-door office of the closest hospital. Everyone, regardless of country, has access to very high-quality medical radiation therapy in Norway.
It’s crucial to keep in mind that medical aid in significant accidents only covers severe diseases and injuries. Contact your primary care physician or a nearby physician assistant if you don’t need emergency medical attention.