When we begin to train to gain muscle mass or, on the contrary, to lose fat, it is essential to eat a balanced diet by our objectives, as well as to carry out proper training and rest well. Sports supplements for gaining muscle mass or losing fat are an aid -which to a certain extent- can bring us closer to achieving our goal.
Below we will explain some of the supplements that most favour muscle gain/hypertrophy and some that help fat loss:
Isolate protein powder: This helps to include the amount of daily protein your muscles need to regenerate. Look for one that is as pure as possible and contains high levels of leucine or valine.
Creatine: Improves muscle strength and endurance. 3g daily is recommended, before or after your training, depending on the type it is.
HMB (b- hydroxy b-methyl butyrate): Improves the strength of your workouts and helps you carry more weight.
Caffeine: Caffeine consumption before training is associated with greater muscle performance and helps reduce muscle soreness after training.
Caffeine and green tea: Apart from the benefits explained for muscle gain, the adequate consumption of caffeine and theine before training helps to oxidize more fat.
Arginine: Helps to lose body fat and, at the same time, stimulates muscle tone as well as performance.
L – carnitine: Helps oxidize fat and weight loss
BCAA: Branched-chain amino acids will help you maintain your muscle during fat loss ( low-carb diet + specific training ).
To learn more about its characteristics and how to include them in your day to day, contact a professional who will advise you in a personalized way. Remember that animal pump supplements are not a substitute for the 3 fundamental pillars but can help to some extent to achieve our goal.